Thursday, August 21, 2008

Will A Younger Man Actually Help Stella In Getting Her Groove Back?

Let’s Talk! (New Question Posted)

Be sure to visit and post your comments at

This Weeks Question:

Will A Younger Man Actually Help Stella In Getting Her Groove Back? Do Younger Women Give Older Men A New Spark In Their Lives? This Is An Age Old Question, Is There An Answer?

Are You An Older Woman/Man Who Dates Or Even Would Consider Dating A Younger Man/Woman? Is It An Attraction Or A Desire To Regain Youth?

If You Are Not An Older Man/Woman Who Dates Individuals Much Younger Tell Us Why Not.

Péron F. Long

1 comment:

  1. I like this topic and can't wait to see some of the answers.

    At 32, I can't see myself with anyone younger than 30 years old. There's this whole maturity gap that I don't have the patience to deal with.

    I know all men under 30 aren't still immature but from personal acquaintances, they are, and I won't even talk about some who are 30, 40, and older still trying to play the field! LOL

    I hope I'll never feel the need to regain my youth through a younger lover. We can't change ourselves through others.

