The Title is Perfect
Nanette M. Buchanan, author Family Secrets Lies & Alibis, 08/16/2008
There are so many facets to this deadly disease. Education about the disease is available but it must become as important as teaching children about crossing the street or talking to strangers. The danger is always there and that's what people don't understand. No one walks to an intersection and says, 'Not me' and doesn't look before they cross. Both the driver, the passenger and those around the vehicle must watch the movement. But with this disease it losing the effect in the education unless the death of a loved one causes us to look. Prevention in all diseases is key, we know that as people. We will use precaution but throw it to the wind for love. What happens to love of self? When will we value our lives as much as the love we think we will receive from others or the lust we have for another? What other than love rushes us to have unprotected sex? What other than lust drives us to the bed of another? What other disease says I kill yet we're willing to share the possibility of giving it to our loved ones? The Book 'Consequences When Love is Blind' shows just this. It tells the story that needs to be told time and time again. Each character has been struck by a vehicle when they weren't watching when they thought they were safe when they thought they couldn't be affected. Sade's husband has done the unthinkable, not only is he cheating he's lying to himself and his wife about it. A down-low affair has brought a deadly disaster to his home and the home of another. Sade must face this as a wife, a mother and a woman who sees the need to help another who has been blinded. Andre' refuses to admit his secret affair is the cause of Sade's sickness. He passes it off as her 'illness'. Linda Herman has touched the core of the problem that is not often shown through the media.
Also recommended: The movie 'Cover' touches this topic from the same angle.
Linda R. Herman
Congrats on an awesome review!