Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hazel's HOTmail: "You Need To Go!"

Dear Hazel,
I need your help! I have feelings for someone other than my husband and I don’t know what to do.
My husband and I have been married for 6 years. When we met each other for the first time at his cousin’s wedding, it was love at first sight for me. We were married 8 months later. When I got married, my family said that they were through with me. You see, I am white and my husband is African American. My own parents wouldn’t come to the wedding. I haven’t had any contact with any member of my family since then.
My husband is in the military and is currently serving in Iraq. When he received his order to deploy, I was four months pregnant with our second child. We both decided that it would be better for me if I left South Carolina, where I have no one and moved in with his parents who live in Texas until he returned home.
At first, the decision to move in with my in-laws seemed to be the right thing to do. They were wonderful and very helpful with the children and provided me with both financial and emotional support. I don’t know what I would have done without them. My mother-in-law and I are very close and I truly feel as if she is the mother I never had.
Here’s the problem. My husband’s father and I have formed a special bond. I have fallen in love with him. He is always there to lend a shoulder for me to cry on when I need it. My husband’s departure left me feeling vulnerable. I feel that he cares deeply for me as well. We have kissed several times while my mother- in-law was away at the store or at church or whenever we are left alone at the house together. The last time we were alone, we came very close to having sex but didn’t. He was afraid that his wife might be keeping count of his Viagra and didn’t want to risk it. Instead, he just gave me oral sex. I was disappointed that I couldn’t please him but I understood.
Lately, the sexual tension between us has been thick. He will walk pass me and pat my ass when no one is looking. I’m beginning to believe that my mother in law suspects that something is going on even though she hasn’t said anything. She is doing little things like leaving the house for five minutes but then comes right back, claiming she has forgotten something. She also keeps telling me that her son loves me very much and that she would hate to see him come home to a broken heart. When I ask her why she says that, she just says that there’s no reason. If my father in law and I are in a room of the house together alone for too long, she comes in and asks what’s going on.
I love my husband and I don’t want to hurt him but I can’t deny my feelings for his father either. I love this man. I thought about moving out but I am afraid that doing so will raise a lot of questions.
How should I handle it?

S.M. in Texas

Dear S.M.,
Have you ever heard of a place called “hell”? It’s a very real place and very well may be your final destination if you don’t pull yourself together and stop sexing your husband’s father. What kind of bullshit is this?!
And for the record, if he went down on you, the two of you HAVE had sex. Don’t get it twisted.
You need to get the hell out before your mother-in-law kills you because that’s exactly what is going to happen if you continue to live there. Does she know? Hell yeah she knows and right now, she’s just playing with your head.
Your father-in-law is marked for death as well. How dare he do something like this to his son? I wouldn’t be surprised if your mother-in-law does have those pills counted.
Again, you have disrespected yourself, your mother-in-law’s home and hospitality and you have dishonored your marriage.
You need to go!

Hazel Mills

Got a question for Hazel on love, sex, and relationships? Email her at hazelmillsstories@hotmail.com. Remember to put Hazel’s HOTmail in the subject line.


  1. Is this what our society has come to? You say you love his mother, but how can you possibly love her, would you sleep with your mother’s husband? This is why your mother didn’t want you marrying a black man, because she knew you had no morels and no since of loyalty. Have you thought about your children and how this will affect them? Sure you didn’t. That’s the problem with our society and people like you because you want what you want and could care less about those whom your actions affect. Listen little lost albino (white) girl, you have issues and before you screw up your life think about your children and stop seeing their blood Grandfather. Get on your knees and pray for forgiveness and leave that house immeditily.

  2. Okay, I'm trying to be calm as I write this because the word that comes to mind here is WHORE!

    Yes, you are an ungrateful and immoral woman. And I'll go a step farther-he, too, is a skany man for having oral sex with his son's wife! I hope your mother in law catches you and beats the hell out both you and your 'sugar daddy!'

    How the hell you live in somebody's house and pull some crap like that? I want to reach out to you-and knock some sense in your empty head!

    Signed, an angry, Black woman!


  3. Hazel, you gave her excellent advice. Girlie is wrong, dead wrong, but so is daddy. Afterall this is his son's wife. Now days folks make too many excuses for doing the stupid things they do! She was lonely. Get over it! They both need a good old fashioned beatdown!

  4. wait - back up - is this for real?? Ha!!! This is hilarious! She is in love with a brotha man who is her husband's father, but won't give her satisfaction becuase his wife might be counting his Viagra pills.

    I have absolutely no words, except a huge screaming laugh. She and the daddy need their a--es kicked, thats for sure.
